Tag: Alcohol and Drugs

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Healthy Soda, Trend Health

Where to Shop for Healthy Soda Alternatives?

Are you looking to adopt a healthy lifestyle but can’t resist the urge to pop a can of Healthy Soda after your...
What is Fat?, Trend Health

What is Fat? Sources of Fat

What is Fat? Fat is an important ingredient in the diet, which can be divided into three main categories: Saturated Fatty Acidsare mainly found...
Birth Control, Trend Health

How Your Nutrient Needs Change On Birth Control

Birth Control and how it affects your body When you are on Birth Control, watching your nutrients are very important.  Birth control and...
Benefits of Massage, Trend health

Massage, More Than Just A Luxury-Benefits of Massage

Benefits of Massage After a day's work and all is well, nothing can be more soothing than a massage. Be it hard or...
Ligation Surgery, Trend Health

Ligation Surgery: Advantages and Disadvantages

If both couples want permanent contraception, Ligation Surgery is the best method. Both men and women can undergo ligation. Principle: The male vas deferens or the...