What is Chestnut Tree?
The ancients used to say that “when you eat chestnuts, you forget your suffering” when they wanted to emphasize the beneficial properties of this delicious fruit. Known since antiquity, they were a choice food for Gods and humans, and they constituted “the bread”, the daily food of the mountain populations of Europe during the winter a few decades ago. Particularly popular during the Christmas season, they are an ingredient in many festive recipes.
The chestnut belongs to the Castanea Sativa family and thrives in forested areas of China, Japan, Europe and North America. In Greece, they grow mainly in Thessaly, Macedonia and the mountainous areas of Crete, the Peloponnese and Lesvos. The Chestnut Tree is a very large deciduous tree that is characterized as hermaphrodite because it bears male and female flowers on the sa