How Many Cups of Coffee are Good for Your Health?

How Many Cups of Coffee are Good for Your Health

Whether you are cradling a travel mug while going to work or you might be dashing out after a spin class with a skinny latte. The caffeine perks you up and there is something incredible about sipping a coffee of joe. But, is drinking coffee good for you?

The case of coffee is stronger than ever. Studies indicate that coffee has something better to offer you, especially in the morning, and can be your favorite morning beverage than you thought. Coffee is full of elements that can guard especially women against Alzheimer’s disease and heart diseases.

Caffeine can also include antioxidants and other benefits that can reduce inflammation, and protect against diseases, says John Hopkins University school of medicine. Some people also recommend Mate Mate energy drink for an energy boost but most of us like having coffee or tea in the morning and it can be effective during day time.

Top health benefits of drinking coffee

You could live longer

Recent studies show that coffee drinkers are less likely to lead to death for women in diseases like stroke, diabetes, kidney diseases, and heart diseases.

Your body may process glucose better

Stories behind studies reveal that people who drink more coffee are less likely to get type 2 diabetes.

You are less likely to develop heart failure

Drinking one to two cups of coffee per day can decrease the chance of heart failure and can increase the blood supply to the heart.

You are less likely to have Parkinson’s disease

Caffeine is not only linked to lower Parkinson’s disease but also has better health conditions for the movement of the body.

Your liver will thank you

Both regular and decaf coffee have a protective effect on your liver. Coffee drinkers have better liver enzyme levels as compared to those who don’t.

Your DNA will be stronger

Dark-roasted coffee can help in preventing DNA strand breakage and these strands can result in cancer or tumors if not repaired well.

Your odds of getting colon cancer will go down

One in 23 women develops colon cancer. But researchers found that coffee drinkers were 26% less likely to develop cancer.

You may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Almost two-thirds of American women are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. But two cups of coffee can certainly reduce the risk to women suffering from these conditions. According to researchers, women above the age of 65 drinking 2-3 cups of coffee are less likely to face dementia.

You are not as likely to suffer a stroke

Women drinking at least one coffee per day are less likely to suffer from stroke and this is the fourth leading cause of death in women.

Lower mortality rate

Your morning coffee can reduce the risk of death for you. According to research, the combination of unsweetened and sweetened coffee is less associated with the risk of mortality. According to a study, people having 1.5-3.5 cups of coffee per day including sugar had a 30% lower risk of death from any reason during the study.

Reduce melanoma risk

A study from the Journal of the National Cancer Institute says that coffee drinking habits of more than 4,47,000 people over 10 years reveal that people drinking coffee of 4 or more cups had a 20% lower risk of developing melanoma than people who drank no coffee or decaffeinated.

Slow the progress of dementia

In a study done in Florida, researchers tested the blood levels of caffeine in older adults with some mind cognitive impairments which can be a precursor to severe dementia including Alzheimer’s disease. When the researcher reevaluated the subject 2-4 years later, those whose blood levels contained an equivalent amount to about 3 cups of coffee were less likely to develop full-blown dementia as compared to those who had consumed little or no caffeine.

How many cups of coffee are safe for both men and women?

Some people indeed have too much of a thing and excessive intake can cause:

Increased heart rate


Raised blood pressure

Trouble falling asleep

As per dietary guidelines for Americans, the recommended amount of caffeine for both men and women is 400mg and generally 8-ounce coffee contains 95 mg of caffeine.


Coffee is full of antioxidants and provides a welcome energy boost. With its numerous health benefits, coffee can be a healthy addition to your diet. As far as the number of coffees is concerned, one can take four or fewer in a day. The number of coffee is also dependent upon your coffee amount which must not exceed 400 mg per day. The results reveal that coffee consumption of 2-3 per day is fine but don’t treat coffee as a healthy substitute for healthy behaviors.

Coffee has multiple benefits which help you stay alert and attentive during the whole day and is found best if you take in prescribed limits. Don’t forget to remember the effects of coffee after consumption to make better coffee decisions next time. Apart from coffee, you have Mate Mate energy drink as another healthy alternative for different health benefits.

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