Natural Remedies for Enlarged Prostate
While Nutrition does not cause prostate cancer Perse, nutrition appears to influence the rate of growth of the cancer and perhaps even the extent to which the cancer may Spread. Natural Remedies for Enlarged Prostate is also estimated that 75% of all Prostate Cancer is preventable with Changes in diet and lifestyle.
The effect of Nutrition centers on two Principles: (1) that some foods may either promote or accelerate prostate cancer causes, and (2) that other foods may interfere with the growth and development of prostate cancer cells.
Did you know that Asian men who consume a typical Asian diet have a nine-fold lower incidence of Prostate Cancer, and if they get prostate cancer, it is much less Aggressive and life-threatening? Interestingly, when Asian men migrate to the USA their Risk of prostate cancer (both number of cases and Aggressiveness of those tumors) becomes the same as any other American after just one Generation!
Increased consumption of fat is proportionally associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. Additionally, obesity or excess body fat is also associated with an increased prostate cancer symptoms. Increased intake of specific types of fat such as saturated fat (found in red meats and some baked goods) as well as dietary fats also correlates with the aggressiveness of prostate tumors. Thus, fats are not just calories but “chemicals” which can affect cells, both normal and cancerous.
Fats that may “feed” cancer cells and therefore should be limited in one’s diet include saturated fats, milk fats, Partially hydrogenated fats, tropical oils, and substances rich in linoleic Acid such as corn and safflower oil. Fats that are neutral OR Inhibitory of Cancer Cells include polyunsaturated oils, monounsaturated oils (olive and rapeseed), and oils high in linolenic acid (soybean, linseed, fish, flaxseed).
By lowering one’s overall total intake of fat and increasing the proportion of “good” to “bad” fat, studies have shown that Testosterone levels in the prostate can be reduced, thereby also reducing one of the driving forces behind prostate cancer.
The differential soy intakes between Asian and Western countries are thought to explain in part the dramatic differences in prostate cancer risks between these two societies. It may also explain the lower rates of breast and colon cancer seen in Asia. Soy contains Isoflavones (such as genistein and daidzein) which interfere with the life cycle of prostate cancer cells.
Isoflavones have been shown in laboratory experiments to halt the growth of prostate cancer cells and choke off the blood supply of rapidly growing prostate tumors. Mice fed diets high in Isoflavones and then injected with prostate cells do not develop cancer while their counterparts consuming a regular diet will develop prostate cancer in this model.
Fruits and Vegetables