Sunday, October 27, 2024

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No Junk Food: Eat Healthy to Stay Healthy

No junk food

Many people have come to me stating that they don’t eat junk food and yet can’t lose that extra body fat, what gives? Remember that excess calories from any source, regardless of their nature or quality, will be stored as adipose tissue.

Gram for gram (not by total weight) candy and broccoli have the same caloric value, but obviously, the greens bring rich nutrients along with those calories.

Common errors amongst some athletes are consuming too much protein, thinking that extra protein will miraculously grow muscle. In this example, too much of a good thing is hard on the liver, and this is a nutrient that cannot be stored, so the excess aminos are excreted in the urine, and the leftover calories are stored as body fat. Not the intended result.

On the other side of the coin, we have all heard about the guy that eats nothing but junk and doesn’t seem to put a pound on. Again, it is not so much the source that will dictate the amount of stored fat, but the volume and activity level. If the activity and metabolism exceed the junky intake, well, you do the math, it’s working in his favor. The question is, how long can that person maintain a healthy vehicle on the wrong fuel before clogging a filter?

Here is a rule of thumb on this one. If you want it, have it, be responsible and realize there is a price to pay for that extra chocolate dessert. Is it a lifestyle or a luxury? Lifestyles include treats regularly. Luxury is on special occasions only. It comes down to what you can afford to transact from your savings account. If you are craving that little piece of chocolate, go for it. Just be responsible with it. You are a person first, and there is nothing wrong with a little luxury, but if you are already living beyond your credit limit, well, you can’t afford that lifestyle without some consequences, nes pas?

Lets look closer at the rest of these macronutrients are, starting with the next most important and least understood of them, EFA’s or fats.

Golden Rule #1
Eat Fat! Fat is a nutrient, sugar isn’t.
This may surprise some, but one of the keys to a lean, Healthy Body is eating the right kind of lipids (fats). Essential fatty acids (EFA’s) come from the right types of lipids. There is a reason these are called primary, actually over a thousand reasons!

EFA’s must be available to the body for the body to burn or metabolize stored bodyfat freely as a fuel source.

EFA’s will increase your metabolism, slow down carbohydrate absorption, and, most importantly, regulate hormone production. EFA’s will also help with that satiated feeling, while excessive carbohydrates will only make you crave more of them.

Getting into the specifics of these chemical interactions are way beyond the scope of this publication but some more of the functions that EFA’s are responsible for include, proper thyroid production, cardiovascular and kidney system function, blood vessel dilation, clot formation, cell division, digestive system including stomach secretions, nervous system including neural circuits in the brain, reproductive system, thermoregulation, control of fluid pressures in the ear, eyes, and joints.

The list is endless as hormones, and other important metabolites are derived from EFA’s. These regulate just about every single bodily function. Suffice it to say that EFA’s are responsible for over 1,000 biochemical actions within the body! Reread that statement.

Now not just any `ole fat will do, it must be quality oils rich in linolenic and linoleic acids. These come from polyunsaturated lipids. Without them, the body senses a deficiency of these essential nutrients. It will produce more fat enzymes, intending to convert carbohydrates or protein into bodyfat, thus preventing the body from utilizing current body fat stores as energy. After all, why would the organization want to give up its stores if it wasn’t getting this nutrient in the first place? Think a moment about that.

Good lipids are oils and not fats. Fats tend to be solid at room temperature and provide only a small amount of nutritional value aside from caloric value. On the other hand, unsaturated oils are liquid at room temperature. Below are examples of various lipid sources. Note the percentages of EFA’s from the polyunsaturated sources, versus the monounsaturated sources and the full amounts.

Types of Fat by Percentage










Good oil choices

Flax Seed






























OK oil choices (Choices for occasional use)






Virgin Olive































Ugly (Transfatty Acids)
hydrogenated anything – margarine, etc.
partially fractionated anything
vegetable oil shortening

The Good………..
The best sources of lipids are polyunsaturated oils, which are high in linolenic (omega 3) and linoleic (omega 6) EFA’s. Of these, linolenic acid is the hardest of the two to obtain in our modern diets. Both are necessary to obtain from our foods, as our bodies cannot produce these kinds of lipids, hence the words essential fatty acids.

These oils must be stored in an airtight, light-proof container, inside a refrigerator and should be eaten raw. All unsaturated oils are highly oxidative to air, light, and heat, hence the strict storage requirements. Monounsaturated oils, such as olive oil, are a little more durable and are best suited for cooking (sauteing).

Oils can be mixed with your favorite herbs and vinegar used liberally over fresh, crisp salads or added to cooked whole grain pasta. It mixes easily into cooked oatmeal, and it easily blends into an icy cold shake with fruit and protein. There are many ways to get creative when adding EFA’s to your foods.

The Bad………..
Saturated fats cannot be eliminated from the diet due to their natural abundance in our foods. However, every attempt should be made to reduce this source of fat as much as possible. Less than half of your total lipid consumption should come from saturated fats. Although not harmful in small amounts, there is very little nutritional value aside from their caloric value, which most of us don’t need.

Large amounts of saturated fats combined with cholesterol get downright dangerous. This results in LDL’s, low-density lipoproteins, and will eventually cause atherosclerosis, or narrowing of the arteries, to mention one particularly evil side effect. Saturated fats come primarily from animal products as well as coconut and palm kernel oils.

And the Ugly………..
Trans fatty acids (hydrogenated oils/fats) of any kind should be eliminated from the diet as they are dangerous and thought to be responsible for cellular mutations through the free radical formation. Many countries have banned this substance.

Transfatties are also disguised as partially fractionated oils or margarine, or how about vegetable oil shortening — nasty stuff. Manufacturers use transfatties to extend product shelf life, remember that good oil is highly oxidative and goes rancid easily. Most trans fatty acids were originally edible oils, and the manufacturers probably had good intentions. However, the man had to alter a good thing chemically, and poison himself in the process, how typical.

I have always recommended a diet where fat consists of 10%-20% of your total caloric intake. This should be the total combined lipid amount. Choose your lipids carefully!

Rule #2
Monitor Protein Portions
Protein is most important for maintaining, repairing, and building that all-important muscle tissue. This is not a nutrient that can be stored in the body as a surplus. Surplus amounts of protein, especially ingested at one time, are excreted in the urine, and the caloric value is stored as body fat. It is common for most people to get too much at one time, too much throughout the day or simply not enough.

Insufficient amounts cause the body to go catabolic, the breaking down of muscle tissue for use where it is needed. When the body isn’t supplied with the required amino acids (protein), we do have an emergency supply, its called muscle. The last thing any athlete wants to do is sacrifice hard-earned muscle. Even one weekend can result in a 5% loss.
The body is in constant demand for protein, and it is easier for the body to use stored protein (muscle) rather than support large amounts of lean tissue (muscle) when protein intake is in short supply. The trick to building more lean tissue is giving the body a constant supply of quality protein in moderate amounts of each meal.

Even if you are trying to lose weight, you will probably need to increase your lean body mass to boost your metabolism, not to mention the benefit of improved athletic performance.

So what is a moderate amount of protein? This is a highly debatable subject, ask any gym rat. Unfortunately, there is not an easy answer as there a number of variables to consider. Use the following need factor list, multiplied by your lean body mass. DO NOT use your total body weight as fat does not require protein; this is just one of those variables that differ with all of us.

I don’t believe anyone has done more research in this area than Dr. Michael Colgan of the Colgan Institute, whom I have respected and based the following guidelines on calculating your need factor.

Aside from maintaining, repairing, and building new tissue, protein has other vital roles in the body. Suffice it to say that this all-important macronutrient is needed throughout the day (5-6 servings) and should consist of roughly 20% to 30% of your total diet.

  • Calculating your Protein Need Factor in Grams
  • Need factor x LBM (where do you fit in?)
  • .50 = couch potato, no exercise
  • .60 = couch potato, minimum exercise
  • .70 = desk jockey, minimum exercise
  • .75 = moderate lifestyle & regular exercise
  • .80 = active lifestyle & regular exercise
  • .90 = active lifestyle & heavy exercise
  • 1.0 = active lifestyle & heavy training
  • 1.2 = laborer & heavy training
  • 1.5 = steroid user & heavy training

minimum exercise is…

  • getting active 1-2 x week
  • regular exercise is…
  • sports 1x week
  • lightweight training 2-3 x week
  • light aerobics 2-3 x week
  • heavy exercise is….
  • sports 1-2 x week
  • weight training 3-4 x week
  • moderate aerobics 3-4 x week
  • heavy training is…
  • regular sports training
  • heavyweight training 3-5 x week
  • aerobic activity 3-6 x week

Athletes that are training consistently can expect to average an additional 10 lb. of quality lean tissue per year if they try hard. This takes consistent quality protein without missing a weekend. Please don’t believe the gym rats and their muscle mania myths preaching gargantuan proportions of protein tubs, nor believe the RDA recommendations made by inactive skinny pencil necks back in 1964 to prevent deficiency diseases.

Rule #3
Beware the Baked Potato!
Carbohydrates are certainly one of our important macronutrients because they provide us with our most readily available forms of energy and most of our micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants, and fiber). There are exactly 90 micronutrients that humans must consume, or we suffer from one form of deficiency disease or another.

The trick with carbs is to eat consistent and moderate amounts that are nutrient-dense. In a word, quality carbs. Empty calories or starchy carbs from foods such as baked potatoes, juices, rice cakes, bagels, white rice, white bread, white pasta, bananas, sugar puffs, etc., do not provide a whole lot of micronutrients and will add some extra calories. Now don’t get this wrong, I am not saying potatoes are bad for you.

These types of low-quality carbs left unchecked or unused will result in extra pounds and not quality poundage either. This is fine if you are a child with boundless energy or an endurance athlete requiring larger amounts of fuel, but for the average person, these low nutrient carbs can add up quicker than taxes!

When considering the choices in our carbohydrate intake, we should be observing four important factors;

Firstly, the complexity of the carbohydrate. All carbs are considered to be either simple carbs, complex carbs, or some varying degree thereof. The complexity of the carb is based primarily on the amount of fibrous content. This is also the main factor controlling the glycemic index of each food. The Glycemic index is a rating system indicating how quickly each food breaks down into simple sugars and enters the bloodstream. Simple carbs are ones that are high on the glycemic index and low on the fiber, such as white bread or potatoes, and are considered starchy foods, another word for sugars, which is just more empty calories.

Regardless of their complexity, all carbs breakdown into sugars; this is not the problem. Instead, it’s how quickly they are broken down or digested, converted to sugar, and then enter the bloodstream. High glycemic foods enter the bloodstream thus rapidly causing insulin levels to skyrocket (insulin being a fat-promoting hormone, which stores the extra sugars as fat and not releases it) which will, in turn, drop our blood sugar levels and give us a tired feeling and a lingering hunger, cravings, and possible gluttonous eating.

Complex or fibrous carbs, like those found in whole grains, whole fruits, and whole vegetables, also breakdown into sugars but enter the bloodstream at a slower rate, therefore keeping insulin and appetite under control with internal chemical actions at a slower and healthier pace. Eat plenty of complex fibrous choices for carbohydrates.

Secondly, we should consider if the food is nutrient-dense. Is it providing bountiful vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals for the number of kcals it gives? This brings us back to the baked potato, not bad food generally, but for the number of nutrients it is providing, most of us don’t need the extra calories. For young growing children or endurance athletes, perhaps, as they can quickly expend the energy, but when we are trying to cut down on caloric intake to reduce body fat, this is a definite no-no.
The same goes for juice, again not a wrong choice because it can be a clean source of carbs (providing that it is chemical-free), but the problem lies here with the volume. Squeeze one orange and see how much juice you get, compare that to what you are already drinking, how many oranges was that you say? That converts to how much sugar?

To further add to the juice dilemma, most of the nutrients we are trying to get from this C-Complex carb, are lost. Even pure juices are susceptible to oxidization through prolonged handling, storage, and most are pasteurized, further losing valuable vitamins. Vitamin C is highly oxidative. And this is the “good” juices we are talking about; the “bad” ones are laden with chemicals and extra added sugars. Unless you are juicing it fresh yourself, and are aware of portion size, it’s just more empty calories. Beware the bagel, pasta, bread, muffins, if you didn’t get it, reread Rule #12, “Beware the baked potato.”

Thirdly, of all the vitamins and minerals, there are only two that cannot be stored within the body. The water-soluble vitamins from the B-Complex group and the C-Complex group. They last merely hours within the organization. This is why the A.C.E. Power Plan carbohydrate recommendations are broken up into the two main groups, B-Complex carbs, and C-Complex carbs. It only stands to reason that because they are water-soluble, we need to replenish them frequently. This means on more than just a daily basis. Without getting into the chemistry, suffice it to say that both of these complex vitamin groups are crucial for proper metabolic functioning.

Whole grains provide many of the B-Complex vitamins, except B-12, which comes primarily from dairy products. Whole grains provide a whole lot more nutrients than just B vitamins. It is the B’s that they are rich in, and B vitamins only last anywhere from 6-10 hours in the body, depending on physical and mental stress levels.

When trying to lose body fat, B-Complex should not be eaten every meal but at least every second or third, or eat a minimal amount each meal. The number of grains is easy to get carried away with. These need to be measured until proper portions are established. Also, be sure to avoid duplication in meals, such as having bread with potatoes or cereal and toast. Beware the grains, as they are crucial to the diet, but indulgence is only a few extra forks away.

Whole fruits and vegetables are most rich in the C-Complex vitamins, bioflavonoids, and phytochemicals. The C-Complex vitamins last a short time in the body, somewhere between 2-4 hours, depending on stress levels. This group should be consumed with protein at every meal. Do not double up on your C-Complex such as having a salad with your tuna and then doubling up with a fruit cocktail.

The fruits are a little more calorie-dense than vegetables, therefore consumed by the serving size. But because of vegetables’ fibrous bulk, it is pretty hard to get carried with too many vegetables, so eat up!

Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables provide far more nutrients than just B-Complex and C-Complex vitamins. Still, if you are getting lots of variety from rich sources of these two carbohydrate groups, I can assure you that you will get most of your micronutrients such as the fat-soluble vitamins, mineral requirements, fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.

Finally, our fourth consideration is chemical additives. When we chose a nice fresh apple, but it is sprayed with chemicals, are we providing the body with nourishment or poison? Clean carbs are as chemical-free as possible. When you pick, there is no guarantee unless it is certified organic. Chose this as often as is practical. This goes for all choices that we decide to consume, water, poultry, oils, etc. Learn to read the labels.

What good is a whole wheat cereal with added trans fatty acids? This is important as toxins do build up in the body over the years, and they are hard to get rid of. What is the sense in doing everything else right by working so hard at exercise and watching our diets, but then having our lofty goals impeded by polluting our systems with toxins?

Junk belongs to the trash.
Junk food – what more could you want?
Junk food + Gym = No results.
Junk food = Clumsiness, Weight gain & Diabetes.
Junk food can shift you to junk store.
Junk food decays your body, leaving you flabby and nasty.
Junk food go away Because fruits and veggies are Here to stay!
Junk food has never been good for your mood.
Junk food is fat food.
Junk food is INJURIOUS to health.
Junk food kills.
Junk food shifts you from healthy to fatty.
Junk food will help your journey fast.
Junk food’s no good for your body or mood.
Junk foods are not for you!
junk foods are toxins, eat only healthy foods.
Junk foods make your life junk.
Junk the Junk Food.

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