Health Benefits of Strawberries

health benefits of strawberries, trendhealth

Everything you need to know about strawberries

Sweet, delicious strawberries, with their active red color, can lighten up the quality and look of any feast. They’re an outstanding origin of vitamin C and manganese and also include adequate quantities of f vitamin B9 and potassium. They are not only tasty. They are low in fat and calories, a great source of fiber and hold antioxidants, which defend the human body from cellular destruction caused by free radicals.

benefits of strawberries, trendhealth

About Strawberries

Strawberries have become hot for happiness everywhere in the world. Today, there are above 600 types of strawberries that all vary in flavor, size, and surface. Strawberries are handy year-round, but top strawberry season is April through July. California is one of the chief strawberry providing areas in the world, providing almost 2 billion pounds per year5.

Strawberries do not grow after they are picked, so look for ones that are bright with a dark, red color and are thick, plump, and free of mold. Avoid Strawberries that are dull in color or have green or yellow spots. Strawberries are greatly perishable, so stock them loosely wrapped in the freezer. Be certain to wash them well right before eating them.

Nutritional Benefits of the Strawberry

Reason #1: Strawberries are tied with a heavy dose of nutrients. One cup of strawberries gives 50 calories and about 3 grams of fiber, most of which are solvent fiber. Studies have shown that fiber, especially soluble fiber, can help more lowering LDL or “bad cholesterol.

Fiber helps improve metabolism and decrease the chance of cardiovascular disorder within its cholesterol-lowering source. Just one cup of strawberries gives more than 100% of the suggested daily quantity of vitamin C for adults. Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant, defending cells from destroying free radicals. The body also uses vitamin C to make collagen, which helps heal injuries. Vitamin C helps with the consumption of iron and is a crucial element of the body’s immune regularity.

One portion of eight medium-sized strawberries includes:

  • 45 calories
  • 140 percent of Everyday Value for vitamin C
  • 8 percent of Everyday Value for folate
  • 12 percent of Daily Use for dietary fiber
  • 6 percent of Daily Value for potassium
  • Only 7 grams of sugar

The most plentiful vitamins and minerals in strawberries are:

Vitamin C: Strawberries are an outstanding source of vitamin C, an antioxidant essential for protected and skin health.

Manganese: Commonly located in high volumes in whole grains, greens, fruits, and vegetables, this trace component is necessary for many manners in your body.

Folate (vitamin B9): One of the B vitamins, folate is necessary for healthy tissue growth and cell role — and necessary for pregnant women and older adults.

Potassium: This mineral is required in many necessary body roles, such as controlling blood pressure.

Did you know?

Strawberries are a part of the rose family, which is defined by showy flowers with five separate leaves. Berries are the only fruit with their seeds on the surface.

Health benefits of strawberries

Heart health

Heart disorder is the most usual reason of death universal. Researchers have discovered a connection between berries and enhanced heart health. Significant observational investigations in thousands of people connect berry eating to a more moderate risk of heart-related deaths.

Anthocyanins are phytonutrients located in strawberries.  A 2013 research issued in Current observed that high anthocyanin eating (more than three weekly meals of strawberries) is linked with a lower chance of heart attacks in adult women.

Strawberries are good for your MIND

Researchers recently observed that an eating plan that can lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disorder by more than one-third. It’s called the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, or MIND, nutrition. As it turns out, a healthy daily dose of berries, including strawberries, in your intake can perform an essential role in staving off madness in old age.

Are strawberries good for diabetics?

If you have diabetes, the key to maintaining your blood sugar is to use portion control. Thanks to the low-carbohydrate density of strawberries, you can safely enjoy a 1¼-cup serving. When carbs are received, your body discloses them down into simple sugars and delivers them inside your bloodstream. Irregularities in blood sugar control and high-sugar foods are connected with an enhanced risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disorder.

Strawberries appear to slow down glucose absorption and reduce stalks in both glucose and insulin following a carb-rich snack, matched to a carb-rich meal without strawberries.

Hence, strawberries may be especially useful for stopping metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Do strawberries help fight cancer?

Yes; Strawberries are rich in ellagic acid. In laboratory studies, this phytochemical has shown the ability to prevent cancers of the skin, bladder, lung, esophagus and breast.  Cancer is a condition identified by an uncontrolled increase of atypical cells. Cancer development and improvement are linked to oxidative pressure and constant infection. Many studies recommend that berries may help stop several types of cancer within their capacity to combat oxidative pressure and infection. Strawberries have done proved to hinder tumor development in animals with mouth cancer and human liver cancer cells.

The protective impacts of strawberries may be encouraged by ellagic acid and ellagitannins, which have been shown to prevent the increase of cancer cells. More individual research is required to improve the knowledge of the results of strawberries on cancer before any fixed judgments can give.

Strawberries have more vitamin C than an orange!

In the related study managed by the California Strawberry Commission, 86 percent of respondents believed oranges had the most Vitamin C per portion. But, the truth is, a one-cup portion of strawberries has added vitamin C than an orange. Vitamin C is known for its antioxidant qualities, supporting to defend the body from oxidative pressure.

How to Enjoy Strawberries

  • Add sliced strawberries to a various green salad.
  • Layer sliced strawberries and other fruit with plain yogurt to make an excellent sweet.
  • Add strawberries to a smoothie with yogurt and apricot syrup.
  • Mix cubed strawberries with cinnamon, lemon extract, and maple sweets to use as a topping for waffles and cakes.
  • Design a coulis food for sweets by mixing strawberries with a little bit of orange juice.
  • Place sliced strawberries on toast rather of jam.
  • Drop berries in antioxidant-rich darkish chocolate for a tasty and nutritious sweet.

What is Alzheimer’s disease?

What is Alzheimer's disease, trend health

Everything you need to know about Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disorder is a physical disease. It hits the brain. It is named after Alois Alzheimer, the doctor who first explained it. Dementia is the name for a bunch of indications that involve memory impairment and problems with thinking, problem-solving, or communication. Dementia occurs when the brain is corrupted by disorders, including Alzheimer’s disorder.

Alzheimer's disease, Trend Health

What causes Alzheimer’s disease?

The brain is formed up of tissue cells or neurons that interact with each other by transmitting messages. Dementia destroys the nerve cells in the brain, so information can’t be sent from and to the brain efficiently, which inhibits the body from working usually. Despite which kind of dementia is diagnosed and what section of the brain is impaired, each person will feel insanity in their own individual way.

Diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease

Find out why it’s necessary to diagnose Alzheimer’s condition as quickly as possible.

Anyone who is concerned that they may have Alzheimer’s disorder or any other form of Dementia should attempt help from their GP. If someone does have Dementia, a first analysis has many advantages:

  • It gives an answer for the person’s indications
  • It provides access to therapy, information, and help
  • It enables them to prepare for the future and plan advanced.

Alzheimers Test

There is no particular test for Alzheimer’s disorder. The GP will first need to manage out ailments that can have related indications, such as viruses, vitamin, and thyroid needs, distress, and side effects of the medicine.

The doctor will also communicate with the person, and wherever probable someone who knows them well, on their medical records and how their signs are influencing their life. The GP or a practice therapist may ask the person to do some tests of thinking capabilities.

Alzheimers disease symptoms

There are some general indications of Alzheimer’s syndrome, but it is necessary to recognize that everyone is different. Two people with Alzheimer’s are unlikely to feel the situation in correctly the identical way.

symptoms for Alzheimer's disease, Trend Health

For most utmost people with Alzheimer’s, the most preceding Alzheimer’s symptoms are memory slips. In special, they may have trouble remembering current issues and reading new knowledge. These signs happen because the early loss in Alzheimer’s is normally to a part of the brain called the hippocampus, which has a pivotal role in day-to-day memory. Memory for life events that occurred a long time before is usually unaffected in the early steps of the disease.

  • Memory loss:  Trouble in completing simple tasks or problems memorizing the laws to a preferred game or turning to a simple place
  • Problems in communicating with others or writing, For example, a person may cope with finding the correct words for items or names of people or places.
  • Disorientation to time and place, for example, misremembering where they are going, the springs, dates, and passage of time a poor or reduced conclusion like in money or business matters.
  • Eyesight difficulties: difficulties in reading or determining measures. Difficulties with resolving problems or drawing like, problems following regular bills or familiar recipes
  • Misplacing items like, a person put things in new places and then are not able to reconsider their steps find them again
  • Changes in attitude, character, or behavior
  • Loss of action or departure from cultural or business activities

Other risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease

Risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease include:

People who have developed less than eight years of study also have an enhanced risk of Alzheimer’s sickness. These circumstances boost the risk of Alzheimer’s illness, but by no means do they mean that Alzheimer’s disease is necessary for persons with these constituents.

Memory Boosting Superfoods That best for Alzheimer’s prevention

To get sufficient of these brain promoters, you’ll want to make sure your loved one stocks up on these foods:

Vegetables: Mainly leafy greens like spinach, kale, turnip greens and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, which have been well connected to reduce levels of the cognitive drop in older age, according to research in the Annals of Neurology.

Coffee and chocolate are wonderful for memory to boost up. Modern researches have confirmed that caffeine and coffee can be used as therapeutics toward Alzheimer’s disorder.

Added natural olive oil includes a basis called oleocanthal that benefits to boost up the generation of essential proteins and enzymes that help break down the amyloid plates connected with Alzheimer’s disorder.

Salmon and other water fish: Like halibut, tuna, mackerel, and sardines, which are plentiful in omega-3 fatty acids Other omega-3 sources involve beans, nuts, flax seeds, and healthful oils, like olive oil.

Berries and dark-skinned fruits: They are plentiful in antioxidants. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, some of the fruits that pack the most punch are blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, plums, oranges, red grapes, and cherries.

What is Asthma?

What is Asthma, trend health

What are interesting facts about asthma?

Asthma is a constant or long-term disorder of the airways; the tubes that bring air into our lungs. It creates inflammation and narrowing of the bronchial tubes that start to airflow restriction. The airways of our lungs are enclosed by muscles and include mucus glands.  These muscles usually are relaxed, but if you have asthma, they are generally sensitive and irritated. You have a better chance of controlling your asthma if it is diagnosed early and asthma treatment is begun right away.

Asthma Symptoms, Trend Health

Asthma is very common: Asthma symptoms influence an expected 26 million Americans, including 20 million adults and 6 million kids. That’s nearly 1 in 12 people. Asthma ranks amongst the most common persistent childhood diseases, considering for 13.8 million missed school days a year, as well as more than 14 million lost workdays for adults. There is no cure for asthma. The most reliable way to control asthma is to bypass triggers, take medicines to stop symptoms, and plan to treat asthma incidents if they happen.

When people with asthma encounter triggers, these muscles respond by tightening, even more, the lining of the airways expand, and the airways can pack up with mucus. This causes breathing very hard and leads to asthma symptoms or an asthma attack.

Types of Asthma

There are two Types of asthma:

Allergic: This type is triggered by showing to an allergen, such as mold or pet dander.

Non-allergic: It is carried on by factors such as tension, exercise, illness, extreme weather, troubles in the air, and some medications.

What Are Asthma Symptoms?

Asthma can be distinctive for everyone. Symptoms of asthma can also fluctuate over time, with some or no symptoms when asthma is well-controlled. The most obvious symptom is wheezing. This is a scratchy or hissing sound when you breathe. Extra symptoms include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest tightness or discomfort
  • Persistent coughing
  • Difficulty in sleeping because of coughing or wheezing

What are asthma causes?

It’s difficult to say for assured what creates asthma, but family genetics are considered to be a principal-agent. Asthma usually runs in families. Environmental circumstances, such as illness to secondhand smoke or air polluting, can also play a role.

The subsequent risk circumstances can lead to asthma increase:

  • Family genetics
  • Allergies
  • Early birth
  • Hormones
  • Environment
  • Obesity
  • Lung diseases
  • Dust bits and chemical fumes

What is spirometry?

Spirometry is a kind of pulmonary function test (PFT) applied to diagnose lung diseases like asthma and COPD. A spirometer estimates the volume of air you can breathe out in one second and the whole volume of air you can breathe in one forced breath.

How is asthma diagnosed?

A doctor may use a few various ways of testing for asthma. These involve:

  • Taking a complete medical records
  • A physical exam
  • Lung function analyses
  • Chest or sinus X-ray

The doctor will see at the results from those tests. They will then determine what type of asthma you have. They will form a treatment plan based on the type and hardness of your signs.

Read Also: coping with an asthma attack

Can asthma be cured?

Despite progress in recognizing the disorder, and the availability of more efficient medications, asthma is yet a main cause of morbidity. There is still much analysis that requires to be done to fully know how to stop, treat, and cure asthma. Don’t let asthma hold you behind! Use the Find an Allergist agent and begin to take back charge of your life.

Asthma attack triggers for asthma treatment

Asthma symptoms can arise when you are opened to a trigger. A trigger is something you are sensitive to that makes your airways becomes irritated. This causes swelling, mucus creation, and narrowing in your airways. Typical asthma triggers are dust, medicines, drastic weather differences, smog, dust bugs, pressure, and exercise.

Asthma treatment

Considering asthma is a persistent condition, asthma treatment goes on for a very long time. Some people have to stay in therapy for the rest of their lives. The best way to correct your health and live your life on your terms is to get all you can about your asthma and what you can do to make it better.

  • Become informed of your asthma triggers and do what you can to withdraw them.
  • See your health-care provider as asthma treatment programmed.
  • Communicate any changes or worsening of your indications immediately.
  • Report any side effects having with your medicines.
  • Catch the treatment advice of your health-care provider. Understand your treatment. Know what any medication does and how it is used.

Best Birth Control for You

What Facts Should I Know about Birth Control?

Birth control or contraception is any plan, medicine, or equipment used to stop pregnancy. Women can choose from many varied types of birth control. Some work great than others at terminating a pregnancy. The kind of birth control you use depends on your well-being, your wish to have children now or in the future, and you want to prevent sexually forwarded diseases. Your doctor can help you choose which kind is Best Birth Control Methods for you right now.

Choosing the Best Birth Control for You

Deciding which kind of birth control to use can be quite tricky. From birth control pills to birth control implants, there are many choices to choose for Birth control. It supports to start by acknowledging a few essential questions. View the following:

  • How necessary is it for you to be guarded against STDs? Not all birth control methods defend toward STDs.
  • Are comfort and most important in your choice? Do you want birth control that serves a while? How much can you manage to pay on birth control?
  • Does physical fun change your decision in choosing a birth control method? Do you want birth control that improves your sex story?
  • How powerful do you need your birth control? Some birth control techniques are more efficient than others.

While avoidance is the only 100% efficient birth control method, other techniques can be around as powerful when used correctly. Effectiveness of birth control methods is covered through normal use, meaning how useful the method is during real use, including differences and wrong use.

What is the best method of birth control?

There is no best way of birth control for all women. The birth control method that is best for you and your spouse depends on many elements and may vary over time.

  • Before taking a birth control method, discuss to your doctor or therapist about:
  • Whether you desire to get pregnant shortly, in a few years, or nevermore
  • How fit each method works to stop pregnancy
  • Likely side effects
  • How frequently you have sex
  • The number of sex spouses you have
  • Your overall well-being
  • How satisfied you are with managing the method (like, can you remember to take a pill every day? Will you have to request your partner to put on a condom all time?)
  • Read regarding types of birth control that you or your partner can use to prevent pregnancy.
  • Keep in mind that also the most efficient birth control techniques can fail. But your possibilities of getting pregnant are lower if you use a more efficient method.

What Are the Different Types of Birth Control?

There is a variation of methods and types of birth control accessible, like:

  • Hormonal methods (the pill, patch, shot, implant, etc.)
  • Barrier devices (male and female condom, cervical cap, diaphragm, etc.)
  • Spermicides
  • IUDs (intrauterine devices)
  • Behavioral (natural birth control)
  • Permanent (tubal ligation, vasectomy)
  • Emergency contraception

Is There a Birth Control that is 100% Effective?

The effective method for preventing pregnancy depends on the birth control technique used by you.

This summary explains the main methods of contraception (birth control) used in the United States, as well as their benefits and disadvantages.

What is emergency contraception?

Sometimes condoms crack, or teens may ignore to use their method correctly. Emergency contraception is a choice for teens. Other similar pills include progestin hormones. They are available over-the-counter, even for teens. Doctors can prescribe other kinds of emergency contraception. Emergency contraception can work after to 5 days after sex, but the quickly it is used, the greater it works.

Emergency contraception can be used to stop pregnancy if:

  • you don’t use protection
  • your regular contraception fails like, condom cracks
  • you have dropped more than one contraceptive pill
  • you have been vomiting or had diarrhea while on the medicine
  • you have lost your injection
  • You have been pressured to have sex without contraception.

Are there any medical benefits with taking birth control pills?

Birth control pills not only stop pregnancy, but they also have healing benefits. Many teen girls take the birth control pill just for its remedial advantages and not for its safeguard toward pregnancy.

Regular and easier periods: Oral contraceptive pills can help to improve the menstrual cycle, so your Menstruation or period comes about every 28 days. The Pill normally causes lighter periods too. You may only have a brownish spot on a tampon, pad, panty shield or underwear. The hormone doses in BCPs are very quiet. When you are using the birth control pill, the wall of your uterus doesn’t become very thick, so very limited blood requires coming out each period. For the long cycle pills, you might have a period every three months or even less.

Clearer skin: Birth control pills can fix the acne problem. The hormones in most types of BCPs can stop acne from developing. Be calm, though, as it can take a few months to see an improvement.

Fewer pains or no cramps: Birth control pills can help to reduce menstrual cramps.

Other medical benefits: Because there’s a more limited period bleeding with the usage of birth control pills, girls taking medicine are less likely to become anemic. Birth control pills also decrease your risk of getting endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, and ovarian growths. BCPs also defend against fertility that occurs outside the uterus.

Most Birth Control Effectiveness

While avoidance is the only birth control method, that is 100% effective, hormonal protection, IUDs, and permanent birth control techniques are also very useful. Barrier methods are pretty effective for typical users. The following are the most powerful birth control methods:

Implant, IUD, vasectomy, and tubal methods- 99% effective

Birth control shot- 94% effective

Birth control pill and vaginal ring- 91% effective

Condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, and birth control sponge- 79-88% effective.

Most Common Food allergies in Children

Food Allergies in Children, Trend Health

Statistics on Food Allergies in children:

Food Allergy is an undesirable response produced by the immune system of our body, and these responses may be destructive, painful, itchy, or occasionally fatal for our health. Generally, food allergies can develop at any age but are most common in less than 5 years of age. In the United States study shown that every 1 out of 13 children (under 18 year) affected by food allergies every year. Center for Disease Control and Prevention report says, Food allergies in children rapidly increased by approximately 50% in the last two decades in the United States and also in developing countries.

The number of allergic people is increasing day by day, and there is no clear answer yet, why food allergies are rapidly growing in developing counties worldwide. As estimate every year $25 billion economic costs spend over children food allergies in the world. According to the FDA, up to 6% of children age under 3 are affected by food allergies in the United States.

Common foods may cause food allergies in children:

According to researches, generally, eight foods are caused above 90% food allergies in children in the last two decades. These foods are here below.

  • Milk
  • Egg
  • Soy
  • Peanut
  • Wheat
  • Fish
  • Tree nuts
  • Shellfish

Milk allergy in infant and children:

Milk allergy is most common in infant and children; it may develop in the early days of childhood. Normally the reaction of milk allergy is mild like abdominal pain, but it can be severe in some cases such as anaphylaxis. An infant who is breastfed has a lower risk of food allergy as compared to those who are formula fed. Most of the time, milk allergy goes away by the time a child is 5 year old. If you have in doubt regarding your children is allergic to milk, immediately consult your doctor.  The best way to prevent the milk allergy is to avoid milk and milk product.

Symptoms of milk allergy:

Milk allergy is the most common food allergy in infant and young children when the human body immune system behaves adverse reaction to milk and product containing milk. Symptoms of milk allergy will generally appear in the early month of a baby. Allergic reaction with milk normally arises minute to an hour after consuming the milk or any milk product. Signs of an allergic reaction range from minor to severe, symptoms may be including.

  • Vomiting
  • Refusing food
  • Skin rashes
  • Colic
  • Gastric distress such as stomach pain
  • Wheeze
  • Diarrhea or anaphylactic reaction

One thing is to remember, do not confuse lactose intolerance with a food allergy, lactose intolerance do not involve with the immune system of our body. Lactose intolerance patients are incapable of digests food, it can cause discomfort, but it is not life-threating for the patient.

Egg allergy in infant and children:

Eggs are the healthiest food on earth but not for someone who is allergic to eggs and eggs relating foods. Eggs are also one of the most common food causing allergies in children; they may develop an early age of children’s. It can develop when our immune system sensitized and behaves adverse response to protein in egg yolk or egg white. Research has shown in a recent year every 2 children out of 100 are affected with egg allergy in the United States; happily, 70 % children with an egg allergy will outgrow the condition by age 16 or above.

Symptoms of egg allergy:

Symptoms of egg allergy normally occur soon as eating egg or egg foods. An allergic reaction of egg white or egg yolk or egg foods are rang mild or severe; it depends on the intensity of the allergic reaction in our body’s immune system. Egg allergic reaction may be disturbing these body systems.

Gastrointestinal (Digestive system):

Vomiting, Nausea, Cramps, Constipation, Stomach pain, Esophagitis, and Diarrhea.


Swelling and redness on the external part of body, eczema, itchy (hives), and swelling on lips and tongue (skin reactions are the most common in food allergic reactions).


Fainting (Drop the blood flow in the brain)


Asthma with wheezing, Coughing, Stuffy nose and Water eyes

Soy allergy in infant and children:

Soy is vegetable food and using throw-out of the world for food purpose. Soy is in the legume family (beans, peas, peanut, and lentils); it is also one of the common cause of allergy in young children because of soy-beans based infant formula. Some are allergic from one type of legume, and other is allergic more than one type of soy products. According to the US food and drug administration, soy proteins are one of the major cause for the allergies in children. Some clinical experience suggested that soy allergic reaction should be higher in infant and children than among adults.

Symptoms of soy allergy:

When infant or children take any soy protein than the immune system of body fight against infections and overreacted to soy protein. Causes an allergic reaction and released the chemical ‘histamine’ which can cause in infant or children to have these type of symptoms below.


Swelling and redness on the external part of body, eczema, itchy (hives), and swelling on lips and tongue (skin reactions are the most common in food allergic reactions).

Gastrointestinal (Digestive system):

Constipation, Stomach pain, Vomiting, Nausea, Cramps, Esophagitis, and Diarrhea.


Asthma with wheezing and coughing, stuffy nose and water eyes


Fainting (Drop the blood flow in the brain) and drop of blood pressure in the body.

Peanut allergy in infant and children:

Peanut is also one of the types of the legume family. The cause of peanut allergy in infants and children is peanut base food formula available in the market, and four out of 100 children are affected by food allergy in the United States. Peanut allergy some time causes a fatal reaction, so when someone suffers peanut allergy reaction needs immediate medical attention for the right treatment.

Symptoms of peanut allergy:

When an allergic person immune system release histamine that can affect a person’s lungs, cardiovascular, skin, and digestive system. As early we discussed that who suffer from peanut-allergic reaction needs immediate medical treatment. As we have to know about the symptoms of peanut allergy for a better cure for our healthy life, so here are some signs are listed of peanut-allergic reaction.

Mild Symptoms:

  • Runny nose
  • Vomiting and stomach cramps
  • Itching
  • Skin reaction like redness of the external part of the body
  • Severe symptoms:
  • Speedy pulse
  • A shocking drop in blood pressure
  • Dizziness
  • Swelling of the throat that makes trying to breath

Treatment of food allergies:

You must know the reaction is mild or severe.

Food allergies are more common in those children where the family history suffer from allergy. Infants are more at risk with food allergies affected by eczema. The best treatment of food allergies is avoiding those foods to use in the diet of an allergic patient. If you see any mild signs or symptoms regarding food allergy in your children, you should go to your doctor when the allergic reaction is occurring.

Common food allergies in a different part of the world:
  • Milk and Eggs: Worldwide
  • Mustard seeds: France
  • Peanut & Nuts: USA, UK & Australia
  • Shellfish: Italy and Spain
  • Fish: Spain and Japan

Symptoms of Diabetes and FACTS about Diabetes

Types of Diabetes, Trend Health

What are some interesting facts about diabetes?

There are three types of diabetes; type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes was previously known as juvenile diabetes as it is mostly diagnosed in young adults and people below the age of 40. Type 2 diabetes was previously known as adult-onset diabetes and can develop in both genders and at any age. Gestational diabetes develops in pregnant women.

All types of diabetes develop in the body because either the pancreas stops producing insulin or the cells in the body. That shows insulin resistance, which results in the storage of glucose in the bloodstream instead of it being used up as energy. Some types of diabetes are more predominant than others.

All types of diabetes have almost the same symptoms. However, in the initial stages, these symptoms are clear in some people while the others may remain oblivious about their condition as the symptoms in them are close to none.

Getting basic knowledge about diabetes is essential for everyone these days as it is estimated that either diabetes or pre-diabetes afflict nearly half of the American nation. This will help people to learn the methods with which diabetes can be prevented and also controlled.

  • Here we share information about diabetes through some FACTS
  • One-third of people that have diabetes do not know that they have the disease
  • 95% people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes mostly goes unnoticed because often it does not have any symptoms
  • 5% people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes
  • If you are a pre-diabetic, you can prevent having diabetes by losing the extra weight and involving yourself in physical exertion
  • People with diabetes can eat the same food a non-diabetic eats and still control their diabetes
  • Diabetes is an evolving epidemic
  • The most likely people to die due to heart disease are diabetics
  • The most likely people to die due to cancer are diabetics
  • Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults of the working-age
  • Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure
  • Diabetes is the leading cause of amputation
  • It is estimated that by the year 2030 diabetes will become the 7th leading cause of death
  • Diabetes killed 1.5 million people in the year 2012
  • Low and middle-income countries account for 80% diabetic deaths
  • Type 2 diabetes can be prevented
  • Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented

Symptoms of Diabetes

Symptoms of Diabetes, Trend Health

Do you have signs of diabetes? Diabetes is a lifelong chronic condition and can be life-threatening if not controlled in time. People need to know about the signs of diabetes because if it is diagnosed in its initial stage, which is also known as pre-diabetes, it can be stopped. A timely diagnosis Symptoms of Diabetes can also help a person to control it in the best way possible and avoid any further complications.

Depending on its type, diabetes has a different effect on different people. That is why some people show clear signs of diabetes, while others may show little or no signs of diabetes. Studies indicate that many people that have diabetes remain unaware of their condition for years because they confuse the symptoms of diabetes with common day to day sickness.

Diabetes can be controlled and even reversed in some cases. If a person knows these common signs of diabetes, takes them seriously, and gets a timely medical diagnosis from a doctor.

The common Symptoms of Diabetes include:

Excessive Thirst

The most common symptoms of diabetes are extreme thirst. So if you are feeling thirsty, especially minutes after drinking lots of water and this feeling has been the same for days. Visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

Excessive Hunger

Feeling hungry most of the time, even after having a proper meal is also one of the signs of diabetes. So if you feel hungry and the feeling is abnormal since quite a few days visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

Dry Mouth

Having a dry mouth is one of the signs of diabetes. So if your mouth is running dry and it has been a persistent thing visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

Dry Skin

Having dry and flaky skin is one of the most common signs of diabetes. If you have dry skin and the problem is prolonging visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

Urinating Excessively

Passing the urine most of the time is a common sign of diabetes. So if you pee a lot, especially at night even after not drinking anything at all before going to bed visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

Extreme Exhaustion

Feelings of fatigue are one of the most common signs of diabetes. So if you feel physically or mentally time even though you have not done anything special during the day and the feeling is prevailing for days. Visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

Unexplained Weight Loss

Loss of weight is one of the common signs of diabetes. So if you are losing weight without trying and no matter how much you eat, it’s not helping visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

Blurred Eyesight

A blurred vision if a common sign of diabetes. If you get a blurred vision in at various times during the day and this is a prevalent problem, visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.


Having headaches most of the times during the week is one of the common signs of diabetes. So if you have a determined problem with headaches and nothing you do has helped visit your nearest doctor for a proper checkup as soon as possible.

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Early Symptoms of HIV in Men

Common Symptoms of HIV, Trend Health

Most Common Early Symptoms of HIV in Men that You Must Know

Study about the early & common HIV symptoms in men learn the common signs and symptoms of HIV or AIDS in men, how to protect with HIV early diagnoses and to test AIDS infections. Two-thirds of people in America (USA) newly diagnosed with HIV are men. Protect yourself by learning the most common symptoms and signs of HIV and AIDS, when to get tested, and how to protect yourself from infection. The early you’re able to detect HIV, the longer you may get the chance to live.

HIV is considered to be one of the STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) commonly. According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) report published in 2009, alone in the United States, more than one million people aged 13 and older were living with an HIV infection, including Black/African American men, women and Gay and bisexual men. you can also check out Early HIV Symptoms in Women. 

So knowing the symptom will help you diagnose if you’re infected with HIV or not, but still, some men experience no symptoms as well i.e., an HIV infection can remain symptomless for many years. However, let’s get some information regarding the signs and symptoms of HIV before we get late.

Some things to know before getting symptom are as below.

What is HIV?


HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. So HIV is a type of virus that affects the immune system. Therefore start damaging your immune system gradually until your immune system remains no longer to defend you.

It is so because the HIV virus directly attacks the cells of your immune system and destroys it gradually. Scientists are unable to diagnose anything which could stop this process because HIV remains resistant to the immune system’s efforts to eliminate it.

Relationship of HIV with AIDS

AIDS is stands for Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS as a term used for advanced stages of an HIV infection. The patients reached close to the last stages of HIV virus are considered to be patients of AIDS. The uncontrollable stage.

At the stage of AIDS, the HIV virus is so effective as victim remain no longer to defend, i.e., the immune system of the patient remain no longer to defend or protect the body from other infections and cancers.

So far, the scientists have failed to cure HIV/AIDS; however, there are drugs used to resist and prevent the virus from replicating through drug therapy.

There is no estimated time for an infection to take strength; it can be from a few days to many years i.e., 10 years or more.

Symptoms of HIV

Symptoms of HIV

Early treatment is a key to long life, and early treatment cannot take place unless you diagnose you’re HIV/AIDS infected. And for that purpose, you must know symptoms and sign of HIV/AIDS. Few most common are given below.

Common Symptoms of HIV

According to many of the researchers, the most common and wide symptom of HIV/AIDS is experience flu-like. You’ll start feeling flu within two weeks to three months along with fever or suffer one or more such as a rash on the arms, legs, face, or belly, swollen lymph glands, including bad headaches, etc. some of them are given as following.

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle aches and joint pain
  • Mouth or genital ulcers
  • Strong headaches
  • Swollen lymph glands
  • Rash at different gaps of the body like on the arms, legs, face, belly, penis or anus, etc.
  • Sore throat

No Symptom

That is the most dangerous part of HIV. It plays with you with strategy. Many a time, HIV does not show any symptoms of infection. It plays with tricks and destroys you immune system silently without showing any signs, and you feel normally perfect and healthy for weeks to years. Suddenly you’ll start feeling sick and weak as your immune system is almost destroyed by HIV not letting you know.

In this case, we recommend you to keep testing yourself even when you feel perfectly good. As it is about life and death, and the early you diagnose that you’re infected with HIV/AIDS, the longer the chance you living in this beautiful world will be for you.

Common Symptoms of AIDS

As AIDS is of the final stages of HIV infection, it is comparatively easier to diagnose if you’re infected with HIV or not. As HIV weakened the immune system gradually, you’ll have to face diseases and sicknesses like unusual lesions on the tongue; skin rashes and bumps, vomiting, and diarrhea, etc. Some of the major we’re enlisting under.

You’ll feel unusual lesions on the tongue

  • Skin rashes and bumps can become very common in this case
  • Cough and shortness of breath is also one of the final stages
  • Chronic fatigue, fever, chills, and night sweats
  • Most easily be diagnosed is rapid weight loss
  • Blurred or distorted vision

You may also notice dementia, confusion, and impaired motor skills, if you’re HIV, goes on 10 years or more. It is very common.


Moreover, remember these are just the symptoms that any person can feel or face, but that doesn’t mean you’re infected with HIV, at the same time, it could also be possible that HIV shows no signs and Symptoms! In both cases, you’re at doubt. So let not be so irresponsible and keep testing yourself from any recognized clinical tests time to time.

To learn more about HIV and AIDS, and about other STD, please keep visiting us!

Vaginal Yeast Infection : Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Vaginal Yeast Infection, Trend Health

What is Vaginal Yeast Infection or Vaginal Candidiasis

Vaginal yeast infection, which is also sometimes termed as vulvovaginal candidiasis, occurs when the healthy yeast that usually lives in your vagina grows out of control. Yeast infection irritates the vagina; symptoms are itching, soreness, pain during urination & sex, vaginal yeast infection is begun at organism inside the vagina, inflammation around the vagina called value and often we say it fungus infection.

Yeast is very irritating infection grows & stays at the vagina and can be rapidly converted to a large number of cells will really bother your routine life. Yeast infection is simple and easily treated, most of the yeast infections are not supposed to be sexually transmitted disease, but the fungus can spread from one person to another through oral, vaginal contact and scientifically called candida.

Yeast Infection Symptoms

Normally in women yeast infection has a common type of symptoms, but however it depends on case to case and length of the disease period, early diagnosis will have less severity of symptoms compared to others who have to carry infection from a long period of time.

  • Yeast infection symptoms can be mild to moderate type in both men & women. Symptoms are itching, irritation outside or inside the vagina vulva.
  • Massive burning sensation during intercourse or passing the urination
  • Sore, redness, swilling inside the vagina vulva
  • Large or small amounts of vaginal discharge whitish-gray and thick Pain during se
  • Male will feel itching at penis after sex with an infected sex partner

Yeast infection also referred vaginitis yeast, candida vaginitis or vulvovaginitis, around 85% of yeast infection caused by Candida Albicans. Candida yeast infection can attach at your skin, throat, blood, and mouth.

Without any symptoms healthy women contains the candida in the vagina, yeast can be transmitted through sexual relations, but not been considered it STD, although 75% of women carry yeast infection due to disruption of the normal balance of protective bacteria.

Antibiotics also cause in women in balance, high estrogen level, or hormone therapy is the reasons for yeast infection in women. But keep in mind if you have more than four-times a yeast infection then must visit a doctor for treatment.

Why it’s Complicated?

Complicated yeast infection such as candida will take a long time to be treated and required a massive course of treatment in server cases. If yeast symptoms are severe redness, sores, or tears inside the vaginal tissues, candida other than Albicans. If you are pregnant, a high level of diabetes or week immune system then required long term medical therapy.

  • Doctors often ask for 14 days of antifungal creams like Lotgicort G and Canesten.
  • Three doses of Diflucan not for pregnant women, often long term oral medication Diflucan for six weeks once tablet a week.
  • Use of protection or condom during sex

How Yeast Infection is Diagnose in Women

Doctors can easily diagnose the yeast infection & its procedure is very simple. Initially, doctors will ask the history of the patient, if she has previously any yeast infection or reason is sexually transmitted disease. Once the doctor discovers all history, then vaginal culture is sent to the lab for testing the yeast infection.

Yeast infection is very common in women recognized candidiasis medically in the inner or outer side of vaginal areas with severe itching, burning & swelling because of fungus. There are three kinds of vaginal yeast infections in women can be sexually transmitted disease but normally not considered it sexually transmitted infection.

Yeast infection should be treated, and treatment is very simple if you visit your doctor will guide the medical prescriptions depends on case to case.

In women, candida genus is always present naturally microorganism of the vagina, if hormones level in women is balanced yeast candida will not be active unless there are an imbalance of hormones and causes the massive growth of yeast infection.

Doctors often recommend the conventional treatments and lab test will help the doctor that which type of candida infection is and how to treat the infection.

Top Reasons How Yeast Infection Grows in Women 

Usage of antibiotics lowers the amount of lactobacillus, good bacteria in the vagina

  • Pregnancy
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Weak immune system
  • Douching
  • Poor eating attitudes, including a lot of sweet foods
  • Stress
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Lack of sleep
How to Treat Yeast Infection

Yeast infection in women can be cured very easily but depends on the severity of infection or symptoms. Normally doctors recommend the antifungal creams or oral medications plus home remedies to treat the infection.

  • Your doctor will identify the severity of yeast infection and recommend the prescription accordingly. Anti fungal cream is often prescribed by doctors for two or three days along with anti fungal medications like Lotrimin, Terazol, and Monistat.
  • a single dose of Diflucan oral medication is recommended
  • Keep the vaginal area clean, use anti-allergic soap, after using toilet wipe it from both sides
  • Suppositories or Ointments kept inside the vaginal area

Yeast Infection Symptoms, Trend Health

What is the main cause of erectile dysfunction?

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

While achieving an erection may be something that many men take for granted, Erectile Dysfunction is quite common. Known as ED or impotence, erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability to achieve an erection. Erectile dysfunction may also refer to the inability to sustain an erection for sexual intercourse. While erectile dysfunction may occur in just 5% of men who are 40 years old, that percentage can climb with age.

Despite being a relatively common occurrence, erectile dysfunction is not something that men should have to live with permanently. To better understand and treat erectile dysfunction, it is essential to have a better understanding of what causes erectile dysfunction as well as the most common causes among men who have achieving an erection.

What Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

While there are several physical conditions, lifestyle factors, and psychological issues that can lead to erectile dysfunction, it is important to remember that it occurs in the same way whatever the root cause. The following four causes are the physical obstacles that prevent an erection and can lead to erectile dysfunction.

• The nerves leading to the penis are not functioning properly.
In order to avoid erectile dysfunction, a properly functioning nervous system is integral. Nerve diseases are a near guarantee of erectile dysfunction among older men. Some of the more common nervous system diseases that lead to erectile dysfunction include Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and injuries to the spinal cord.

Nerve damage causes erectile dysfunction because, without the creation of neurotransmitters, the penis chamber won’t fill with blood and sustain an erection.

• There is no stimulation from the brain.
While many of the root causes of erectile dysfunction are physical, this is a more psychological concern. Men who have erectile dysfunction may have negative thoughts during sexual intercourse, or they may have had a bad sexual experience in the past.

Erectile dysfunction may be classed as at least partially psychological if the man is still able to achieve involuntary erections while sleeping or immediately upon waking.

• There is inadequate blood circulation leading to the penis.
Many doctors consider a lack of adequate blood circulation to be the biggest contributing factor to erectile dysfunction. Vascular disease, or any condition that negatively affects the body’s circulation system, is often related to lifestyle factors.

Erectile dysfunction caused by inadequate blood circulation may be present among men who also have heart conditions like peripheral artery disease. An artery blockage or who have recently had a stroke or a heart attack. If the circulation system can’t rapidly pump blood to the penis as needed, then erectile dysfunction will likely be at least a peripheral problem for men.

• The veins in the penis are not able to retain blood.
Even if there is adequate blood circulation leading to the penis, erectile dysfunction can still occur. If the veins in the penis cannot sufficiently close, then there is not enough pressure to sustain an erection.

This may lead to consistent erectile dysfunction, or it can lead to problems maintaining an erection for the duration of sexual intercourse.
Most Common Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Common Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Listed above are the four root causes of erectile dysfunction. However, it is incredibly rare for a man to encounter all of those problems at once, and they are certainly not all equally common.

When exploring the causes of erectile dysfunction in an individual, it may help to start by ruling out the most common causes. The following physical and psychological concerns are the most common reasons that erectile dysfunction occurs.

• Diabetes
With an increasing number of men suffering from both Type I and Type II diabetes, there is no question that it can be a significant cause of erectile dysfunction. Diabetes, which is caused by problems creating or regulating insulin in the body.

It can affect both the nerve endings that receive pleasurable sensations and the blood vessels that are needed for an erection. Thankfully, controlling diabetes with the right medication, diet, or exercise can go a long way in preventing or even eliminating erectile dysfunction.

• Recent Surgeries
After having any inpatient or outpatient surgery, the chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction, at least temporarily, will increase. In men who have had surgery for bladder or prostate cancer, however, the length of time that sexual performance might be hindered could be longer.

It is not uncommon for patients who have had prostate or bladder surgery to require up to a year to regain full control of their erections.

• Depression
While several psychological causes can lead to erectile dysfunction, depression is one of the most common. Sexual excitement starts with stimulation in the brain, and depression can reduce or eliminate that in some men.

Dealing with any depression is a clear treatment plan for someone with erectile dysfunction, but it is important to also look at medications prescribed for depression. Unfortunately, some medications meant to aid with depression also reduce the libido and may continue the erectile dysfunction.

• Alcohol Consumption
If erectile dysfunction is occasional rather than chronic, then it may be tied to excessive alcohol consumption. Drinking just a few alcoholic beverages can interfere with the ability to maintain an erection. Thankfully, this kind of erectile dysfunction is typically resolved the day after drinking.

• Medications
Men who have recently encountered signs of erectile dysfunction may want to look to the medicine cabinet for answers. Commonly prescribed medicines for things ranging from high blood pressure to cholesterol can affect both libido and circulation, leading to erectile dysfunction. Speaking to a physician can help patients to find an alternative medicine that won’t affect their erections or sexual pleasure.

• Stress
Stress affects the body in a myriad of ways. It can lead to high blood pressure, restless nights, and even greater susceptibility to various diseases. Whether stress is caused by work, financial issues, or personal relationships, it can be a significant hindrance to sexual intercourse.

• Hormonal Imbalance
A leading cause of erectile dysfunction in men over the age of 40 is a hormonal imbalance. While the male body contains many hormones, the primary one that causes issues is testosterone. Having a low amount of testosterone in the body can lead to higher overall body weight, a lack of libido and circulation problems, all of which can easily lead to erectile dysfunction in men.

• Smoking
Men who smoke cigarettes or cigars regularly, particularly for an extended period, may eventually suffer from damaged or weakened blood vessels. This can cause a variety of health problems in the body, not least of which is erectile dysfunction. Even those who have smoked for decades, however, can see an almost immediate improvement in their sex lives after quitting the habit.

• Performance Anxiety
Another common psychological cause of erectile dysfunction is performance anxiety. A lack of self-confidence when beginning a sexual encounter may lead to erectile dysfunction, and that unsuccessful experience may further feed feelings of performance anxiety. Breaking the cycle may be a challenge, but men need to achieve once again and maintain erections to enjoy sexual experiences with their partners fully.

• Obesity
Worldwide, there are more than 1.4 billion men who are overweight and more than 200 million men who are obese. Having a significant amount of additional fat on the body can lead to several health problems like diabetes, hardened or blocked arteries, sluggishness, and high blood pressure.

Each of these symptoms of obesity, in turn, can cause erectile dysfunction. Obese men with erectile dysfunction can often see immediate improvements in their sex life simply by removing themselves from the obese category for body weight.

• High Cholesterol
As they age, men may be more likely to have high cholesterol. Having high cholesterol, and in particular high levels of LDL cholesterol, can be a primary factor in suffering from erectile dysfunction. The good news for men that have both erectile dysfunction and high cholesterol levels is that adjusting basic lifestyle factors.

It can have a hugely positive impact on both. While high cholesterol may be caused by inactivity, a poor diet, and obesity. It can also be reversed by consuming a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and fiber as well as starting a regular exercise routine and trying to lose weight.

There is no single cause for erectile dysfunction. The inability to achieve or sustain an erection can be caused by a whole host of physical as well as psychological factors. Men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction should aim to pinpoint the root cause of their condition to pick the most appropriate treatment method.

Benefits of Exercise

Benefits of Exercise, Trend Health

Benefits of Exercise on a regular basis can greatly improve your overall health and fitness and can reduce stress. Studies have shown that frequent exercise lowers the risk of heart disease, strokes, high blood press, obesity, and non-insulin dependent diabetes.

Experts recommend that you take part in 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity at least 3 times each week, as well as some form of muscle training and stretching, twice each week. However, if you are unable to do this level of exercise, you can still gain significant health benefits by doing some form of physical activity for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

Benefits of Exercise, Trend Health

If you haven’t exercised for some length of time, it is wise to start with gentle activities, such as walking or biking at a steady pace; something that you feel comfortable with. Once you progress, you will start to notice the benefits and should be able to take the intensity of the training to the next level Benefits of Exercise.

Benefits of Exercise

With a proper routine in place that incorporates regular exercise combined with the right diet (as well as appropriate gym equipment for certain workouts), the advantages of physical activity include the following:

  • Burns calories
  • Increases weight loss
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease
  • Can increase your lung capacity
  • Helps reduce your blood pressure
  • Helps prevent diabetes and some cancers
  • Burns body fat for a healthier heart
  • Increases metabolism
  • Increases energy levels
  • Improves cholesterol levels
  • Improves digestion
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Helps reduce stress levels
  • Helps reduce depression
  • Promotes a feeling of well being
  • Increases blood flow and makes you feel more energetic

Specific Health Benefits of Exercise

Heart Disease & Strokes

Regular exercise can strengthen your heart and lower blood pressure; this is proven to help prevent heart disease and strokes, one of the biggest causes of death in the UK. Benefits of Exercise increases good cholesterol (HDL) and decreases bad cholesterol (LDL). This improves the blood flow and increases the working capacity of your heart.

High Blood Pressure

Regular exercise can help reduce blood pressure, as well as helping to reduce body fat, which is linked to high blood pressure.

Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes

Regular physical activity can help prevent and control non-insulin dependent diabetes by reducing your levels of body fat.


Regular amounts of exercise and resistance training help preserve and increase muscle mass. This improves your body’s rate at which it burns calories, therefore helping to reduce body fat. When exercise is combined with a healthy diet, you can control your weight and prevent obesity; a major factor of many deaths and illnesses.

Back Pain

Regular exercise and strength training helps improve your muscle flexibility and endurance; this can help prevent back pain.

Stress & Depression

Regular exercise can help reduce stress, improve your mood, and promote self-confidence. It is also thought that exercise is very likely to help prevent or reduce depression.

Building a Strong & Healthy Body

Both men and women alike crave for a strong, lean, and athletic physique, a body that is healthy, attractive, and vital. In order to obtain such a physique, it is necessary to train in the correct way; your training regime should consist of four major categories:

  1. Cardiovascular exercise
  2. Resistance training
  3. Nutrition and diet
  4. Positive mindset and motivation
1. Cardiovascular Exercise

When it comes to reducing body fat cardiovascular exercise is a critical part of your regime, however there four principles which we must follow if we are to be successful. These can be summed up as FITT.

F – Frequency

I – Intensity

T – Time

T – Type

Cardiovascular exercise is any exercise that utilizes oxygen via the heart and lungs; in other words, any exercise that gets our heart rate up and increases our breathing.

Frequency – How many times we need to exercise in order to lose body fat. 3 times per week is a good starting point for a beginner, but 4-5 times is recommended.

Intensity – refers to how hard we workout. Many of our cardiovascular machines include heart rate monitors, which measure how many times the heart beats per minute. This is very important as working at an intensity that is too low will not produce the desired results, and an intensity that is too high will ensure you burn off glycogen stores rather than body fat and may result in injury due to the excessive loads placed upon the body.

Time – Experts recommend that you exercise for a minimum of 20 minutes in order to start burning body fat. All our cardio exercise machines include consoles that measure the time you have been exercising.

Type – The type of exercise we use is known as the ‘mode’ of exercise, it is important to choose an exercise mode that allows you to exercise at a moderate intensity ideally for twenty minutes or more. Such exercises include walking, jogging, cycling, rowing, cross-country skiing, stepping and boxing to name but a few.

Our extensive range of cardiovascular equipment takes the guesswork out of your training. Machines with features such as heart rate control ensure you are working at the recommended intensity for your age and fitness level, for the right amount of time. All you need to do is make sure you jump (carefully) on your machine at least 3 times a week!

2. Resistance Training

Resistance training is another integral part of your exercise routine. Studies have shown that lean muscle tissue burns significantly more calories throughout the day than fat does, this means using weights or resistance training to create muscle makes us more efficient at burning calories, thus making it more difficult to put on body fat!

Resistance training also helps us shape and sculpt our muscles in any way we desire. As a general rule of thumb lifting, heavier weights for low repetitions and sets will result in increased muscle size while doing low lighter weights for a high number of repetitions will result in the muscle becoming more defined. We offer a very comprehensive range of resistance training equipment that includes the versatility of free weights and safety of weight benches and multi-gyms.

3. Nutrition & Diet

It is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet as part of any training regime. Without a healthy diet, you will not see the results you are looking for. For weight loss, it is important to control the calories you consume and make sure you are creating a calorie deficit each day. A balanced diet requires you to eat foods each day that are rich in the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that you need to maintain a strong, healthy body. Eating foods that are full of basic nutrients gives us the energy we need to live our daily lives as well as Benefits of Exercise. These nutrients also help our body function properly to rebuild itself.

Please view our guides on nutrition and weight loss for more useful and detailed information to help you to eat well as part of a healthy and positive lifestyle.

4. Positive Mindset & Motivation

Motivation is one of the key secrets to creating a lean, healthy body, this is because most people can do the exercises we have discussed and eaten healthy, wholesome foods but unless you are motivated, it is unlikely that you will continue long enough to see and feel the results you desire.

It is important to start by setting a goal. What exactly do you want to achieve? “I want to lose weight” is far too vague. If you lose just 1 lb, that means you have lost weight and therefore achieved your goal, right?

You need to be as specific as possible – ‘I want to lose 20 lbs’ Is a far better goal. You must also put a time limit on your goal. If you don’t put a time limit on your goal, there is no urgency to start, but if you say ‘I want to lose 20ibs in 12 weeks’ you can break your goals into smaller manageable targets.

You must focus on your daily target and visualize yourself as you want to be – program your mind for success. By combining cardiovascular exercise, resistance training, and a good diet with a positive mindset, you will start to see, and feel the rewards.

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