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What is a Dream? Why do we Dream?

What is a Dream?

What exactly is a dream? Why do you dream? Human beings have always had a keen interest in the interpretation of dreams; as far back as the Old Testament times, it is recorded that Joseph was able to interpret the dreams of the Egyptian pharaoh and was appointed as a nobleman. 

As for the analysis of dreams by modern People, it can be Roughly Divided into the following two Stages.

The Analysis of Dreams

Before the beginning of the 20th century, there was an analysis method that was not a systematic theory. The main points can be summarized as:

  • It can be regarded as a clue to life desire.
  • Dreams are the emergence of consciousness deep within the soul during sleep.
  • Dreams are the continuation or recurrence of day life experience.
  • Stimuli from the internal or external environment during sleep can cause dreaming.
  • Dreams are universal. Different people and even different races will have similar symbolic dreams.
  • Dreams can express emotions and are also creative.

Dream System Theory 

At the beginning of the 20th century, S. Freud, known as the “father of psychology” and psychoanalyst, published the book “Interpretation of Dreams” in 1900, which was for dreams The beginning of system theory. According to its theory, its main points can be summarized as:

  • Dreams are the recurrence of lost memories; things that were lost in childhood may become the connotation of dreams.
  • Most of the lost memories are frustrated or Painful. They are expelled from the consciousness because they are unwilling to remember and are suppressed in the unconscious.
  • The content of dreams is illogical, and is mostly childish and fantasy.
  • The causes of dreams are mostly related to instinctive sexual desire.
  • Dreams are the realization of hidden desires under disguise.
  • The purpose of dream interpretation is to try to figure out the underlying reason.

Dream Meaning

In addition to psychoanalysts and psychologists who can interpret dreams, many Astrology and physicists also believe that they can interpret dreams. Here are two examples of dreams, and provide readers with interesting information to talk about.

I believe that readers may have dreamed of falling from a height. If they were panicked when they fell, but still landed safely without any physical injuries, they might realize that you can overcome some current obstacles in life. But if you are injured when you fall from a height, it may mean that the obstacle you encountered will become more difficult to overcome.

Have you ever dreamed that you only found out that you were wrong in the exam room, or that you were only wearing unsuitable clothes such as pajamas and slippers? This may mean that you are a nervous or careless person who is facing the test of life. I am afraid that I cannot, or use inappropriate methods to deal with it, so that I feel embarrassed and afraid of ending in failure.

Types of Dreams

Every dream has its content, according to psychoanalytic theory, the content of the dream has two levels:

1. Latent content (latent content)
means that the cause of dreams is promoted by hidden deep subconscious motives, so the content of dreams is symbolic, including sexual or aggressive impulse. 

This kind of impulse is usually controlled, so it cannot be directly expressed by behavior, so it can be transformed into another acceptable level, which is an explicit dream. Latent dreams are just some symbolic things and activities, and most people don’t understand its meaning.

2. Manifest content refers to Dreams
that can be remembered and stated by the person concerned; it includes people, things, things and all activities. Based only on the explicit dreams stated by the client, psychoanalytic scholars feel that they cannot really understand the content of their dreams, so they need to analyze the dreams, which is to infer the potential dreams based on the explicit dreams reported by the client.

Deconstruct the Dreaming Process

Dream is a kind of mental activity during sleep. Dreaming is related to the operation of individual bodily functions. The main phenomena are changes in brain wave rate and rapid eyelid beating. It turns out that sleep goes through a series of different stages, with changes in depth.

REM Sleep

The sleep of one stage is the“rapid eye movement sleep”(rapid eye movement sleep), which is characterized by brain waves measured out. It is a slumber stage of slow-wave sleep, that is, brain waves show low-frequency, high-amplitude fluctuations; but this kind of brain waves are inserted by high-frequency, low-amplitude brain waves, and each lasts about 5 to 10 minutes. 

At this time, the eyeballs will beat quickly and follow the dream, so it is called “rapid eye movement sleep.” At this time, the person is still sleeping and it is not easy to be awakened.

If you wake up suddenly at this time, most people will say that they are dreaming, and it is easier to remember the dream. Generally speaking, most people experience the “rapid eye movement sleep” phase about 11 times a night. 

In the back of sleep, the time of this stage will gradually increase, and it can be said that the time in the second half of sleep is occupied by this stage. On the whole, “rapid eye movement sleep” accounts for about 20% of most adults’ sleep time.

We may feel that we haven’t dreamed for a long time recently. In fact, everyone dreams every day, and there may be several more, but you don’t know or remember. Although I think I haven’t dreamed recently, everyone will remember the dreams and the content of some dreams before.

Dream Perspective

The following dream is explained based on Freud’s theory of dream interpretation, so that readers can make an interesting reference.

A young lady who has been married for many years (we call her Mrs. Wang) had a dream. I dreamed that I and my husband were sitting in the theater. Half of the special seats in the theater were empty. The husband said: Their friend Miss Chen and her fiancé also wanted to come, but they could only buy poor seats, so they did not come. But Mrs. Wang felt that it didn’t matter even if she was in a short seat.

Background Information on this Dream

  • Mrs. Wang’s husband recently told her that Miss Chen was engaged.
  • She paid an extra deposit a few weeks ago to make sure there was no problem with the theater seats, but when they arrived at the theater, they found that the special seat on the other side was almost empty, and her husband laughed at her for being impatient.
  • The day before, Mr. Wang gave her sister-in-law a great benefit, and she immediately went to buy jewelry.

With the information provided by Mrs. Wang, we can connect with the dreamland and try to understand the hidden meaning .

  • She went to buy tickets too early and too eagerly, so that she spent unnecessary expenses;
  • In addition to the meanings of “too early” and “too rush”, if you add the inducement that caused the dream-her friend, Miss Chen, who was three months younger than her, found an excellent husband-and her husband laughed at her hurry.

The Hidden Meaning of Dreams

We can find the hidden meanings from the hidden dreams: “It is ridiculous that I got married in such a hurry. From the example of Miss Chen, if I get married later, I can still find a good husband. (The rush can be seen in her buying tickets and sister-in-law rushing to buy jewelry; going to the theater can represent marriage).”

This is the main clue. We can look at it in more depth, but it is less certain and Mrs. Xu’s confirmation: “With those money, I can buy something a hundred times better!” If we regard her dowry as money, then Wang Tai’s husband was bought by her with a dowry; the jewels and poor seats in the dream are the symbols of her husband. 

We found that this dream showed that she did not think highly of her husband, and that she regretted getting married so early. When Wang Tai listened to this explanation of her dream, she deeply agreed with this analysis; but she was also very shocked, because she didn’t know that her evaluation of her husband was so low before, and she didn’t understand why. in this way.

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